This Beautiful Earth

"This is a delightful book, and it as beautiful on the outside as it is in on the inside. There is a connection between soil and soul and these wise meditations help us to see those connections, and to make them for ourselves. Great format too, which makes it easy to dip into and follow the thoughts that emerge." (Amazon Reader Review)
This Beautiful Earth draws parallels between the practice of gardening and the living of daily life in a mindful and spiritual way. It contains many stories that have a spiritual take on gardening that can connect you to a deeper, older archetypal rhythm, the rhythm of nature and the earth herself, something collective that we grasp when we put our hands deep into the soil - or should that be soul?
"A beautiful book. My wife and I found that Will's book lends to a daily reading of one page, sort of the way we also read one page from Lao-Tzu. Some of the thoughts in this book are reminiscent of some other wisdom from other places and times, but Will Parfitt brings them all appropriately and happily into the garden of our lives for this day... This simply a marvelous book. We will set it aside for a while, and then bring it back out and read it again, one page per day. It is a peaceful yet inspiring work." (JK)
PS Avalon, 2016 ISBN: 978-0-9572246-7-4
If you have any problem purchasing this book don't hesitate to contact me, I can sell you one or more copies direct.